What Does Dll Mean?
You might wonder what is dll. The extension of a computer file is the second part of the file name that comes after the dot. The most common implementation of the DLL file extension is Microsoft's Dynamic Link Libraries. On the other side, dynamically generated web pages, associated with a Microsoft IIS web server have the DLL file extension. IIS stands for Internet Information Services, which is the second most implemented web server application all over the world after the Apache web server.
As everybody know that Dll, a Dynamic Link Library, is a file which could include code and data used by a few different programs at a time, such as Kernel32.dll, etc.
This page will show you how to download and install OTFabReproDeli.ocx file. Just have a try.
Free Download OTFabReproDeli.ocx
File Name: OTFabReproDeli.ocx
Filemd5: 5a3af8ae51495017ee77c242ccfcc13c
LegalCopyright: -
FileDescription: -
ProductVersion: 1.00
Company: RP Software
Memos: -
SecurityLevel: High
What Could Cause Dll Missing?
Sometimes, you may receive an error message stating "Windows could not find the filename.dll" or "A required .DLL was not found" or something similar. It means that your PC is missing a dynamic link library (DLL) file or a required DLL is corrupt.
An error message stating that a particular DLL is "missing" can be caused by a few things. A program that was recently uninstalled removed a DLL that was required by another program, a program which was recently installed overwrote a DLL, a bad installation of a program corrupted a DLL, a malicious program such as a computer virus removed a DLL or hardware issues like a bad hard drive is causing the error messages.How to Restore Dll Files?
Msvcr71.dll is a dynamic linked library included in every Windows computer, and used by many programs developed with Microsoft Visual C++.
Casually, you'll likely receive error messages along the lines of "The program failed to initialize as msvcr71.dll file was not located. Re-install the program to explicit the matter," or "Msvcr71.dll Not Found."
Do not worry about it, you could do as following:
- Step 1. Open the Web browser and go to any DLL download site's page for msvcr71.dll. (See Resources for links.) Click on the link labeled "Download msvcr71.dll," or something similar. If you are using dll-files.com, ignore the warning regarding advanced computer skills needed---it is slightly a ploy to get you to purchase their auto-installation package. For that site, click the "Download" button and then the link in the window that pops up, to receive the file.
- Step 2. Double-click on the downloaded ZIP file to open it. Right-click on the DLL in the file browser that opens and choose "Copy."
- Step 3. Browse to your computer's system folder. This is C:\Windows\System32 on most versions, and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 on 64-bit operating systems. Paste the copied DLL into this folder, so that Windows could find it next time it's needed. If the site you use gives you the DLL in uncompressed form, the way dlldump.com does, simply save it here instead.
- Step 4. Restart the computer.
How to Kill Dll File?
Casually, you may have the demand that delete the dll files while software conflict or the old dll updated by the new version.
Here is the concrete course how to delete a dll file.
- Step 1. Hit the "Start" button in the screen and select "Search" from the Start Menu.
- Step 2. Click the "All files and folders" link in the Search window, and type the name of the .dll file you want to kill into the empty realm. Click the "Search" button to begin the search.
- Step 3. Discover the file in the search results and pay attention to the file path, which marks where the file is stored. This is very vital, because you will need to be familiar with the file path for the last steps, so you may want to write it down. Generally speaking, .dll files would be found in "C:\Windows\System32," but this could vary depending on the specific type of .dll file and the version of Windows you're using.
- Step 4. Right-hit on the .dll file in the search results, and select "Delete" from the options that pop up. This would move the file to the Recycle Bin.
- Step 5. Hit the "Start" button in Windows, and choose "Run" from the Start Menu. Type "cmd" into the empty field, and click the "Run" button.
- Step 6. Type "regsvr32 /u C:\filepath\filename.dll" into the command line, substituting the specific file path and name of the file for "filepath" and "filename," Separately. For example, if you wanted to delete the file "windows.dll" from the file path "C:\Windows\System32," you can type "regsvr32 /u C:\Windows\System32\windows.dll." Press "Enter" after typing this line to unregister the .dll file from your system, ending the process.
How to Delete MSO.DLL?
The MSO.DLL file is one part of Microsoft Office 2007, and most of the programs included with the suite make use of it. If the MSO.DLL file becomes corrupted, it may lead to all your Microsoft Office programs to become unstable, and might also stop you from doing a repair reinstall.
If you are a novice of computer, please follow the steps below to remove dll files.Take MSO.DLL as an example:
- Step 1. Open the Start menu and type "regedit" into the Windows Live Search Box. Windows XP users should choose the "Run" command and type "regedit" into the textbox that pops up. This opens the Windows Registry Editor.
- Step 2. Navigate to the following registry key in the Editor window:
- Step 3. Place the MSO.DLL file description in the registry key. This will tell you exactly where the file is located on the PC. Note this, as you will need to remember it later.
- Step 4. Right-hit on the registry key and then choose "Delete" and "Yes" to completely erase the key. This will enable you to delete the MSO.DLL file off your hard drive.
- Step 5. Navigate to where the MSO.DLL file is located on your hard drive, choose it and press the "Delete" key. Affirm your choice to send the MSO.DLL file to the recycle bin.
What People Say?
- Adalia Says:
About a month ago, my computer suddenly stopped working. And pop up the OTFabReproDeli.ocx is missing. Thus, I search the internet and try to find the correct dll file to fix this problem to keep the good performance of PC. Finally, I find out that the SmartPC Fixer that could not only satisfy my dll demands, but also improve the speed of my computer. In my opinion it is good.
- Kate Says:
SmartPC Fixer fixes my blue screen error. I usually work at midnight, and someday, I find out that the computer I have used for more than several years suddenly became blue screen. I feel upset and try to find a way to repair it. I search the Google and there are so many these kinds of software. I choose SmartPC Fixer because it can scan my PC error and fix them automatically.
- Howard Allen Says:
My PC often freezes when I run so many programs. I want to Speed it up. I am going to crazy for its slowest speed. This software fixed the problems for cleaning my registry thoroughly. I always want to clean it thoroughly but I do not know how to do it. It helps me a lot. Thanks.
What Can SmartPC Fixer Help You?
SmartPC Fixer has a lot of functions that attract people, such as ActiveX Block, File Splitter, File Shredder, Disk Defrag, Windows Updates, Uninstall Manager, IE Toolkit, BHO Manager, IE Restore, IE Management.- ActiveX Block: Manage ActiveX controls that are installed on your system by blocking malicious controls.
- File Splitter: Split your large files into a set of small pieces files, and later combine the pieces to form original file even without using this software.
- File Shredder: Delete files from your hard drive with safety and security.
- Disk Defrag: Disk Defragmenter is an extremely fast disk defrag tool that optimizes file system, and the disk reads much faster.
- Windows Updates: Get latest bug fixes for Microsoft Windows, including fixes for some possible Dos attacks.
- Uninstall Manager: Used to manage the windows software packages. Remove unwanted software and return your system to its original state.
- IE Restore: Recover Internet Explorer to the normal state.
- IE Management: Manage Internet Explorer.
Just download it and have a try.
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