This page will show you how to download and install pintlphr.exe file. Just have a try.
Free Download pintlphr.exe
File Name: pintlphr.exe
Filemd5: 97a006f8279bd6bf2f2acf2ba2518037
LegalCopyright: -
FileDescription: -
Company: Microsoft Corporation
Memos: Unicode IME
SecurityLevel: High
How to Check the Dll Files of Used Programs?
A library is a collection of programming code that could be used by multiple programs. You may want to know how to check the Dll Files of Used Programs?
- Step 1. Begin by opening up a command line prompt. Click on the Begin button, then hit Run and Type CMD and choose OK. You could also pull up the command line by going to Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.
- Step 2. Inside the command prompt, we are going to type this command:
Type that into the black box and press enter. This would scroll down every program operating and all the dll files that it has loaded.
- Step 3. To get a list of dll files loaded for a specific executable program, type this command:
Replace [programname] with the name of the executable file you want to look up.
How to Remove Dll Virus in My PC?
Betweentimes, while you are infected with a .dll virus, you ought to ensure to track it down and remove it with the fastest speed.
This is the process of how to remove dll virus:- Step 1. Press and hold the "CTRL," "ALT" and "DELETE" buttons together. It opens the Windows Task Manager window.
- Step 2. Choose the "Processes" tab, then look through the listings until you find a program titled "wscript.exe." If you see the file hit it and select "End Process."
- Step 3. Click "Start" followed by "My Computer." In My Computer choose the "Tools" tab at the top of the screen, then select "Folder Options" from the pull-down menu.
- Step 4. Choose "View" and click "Hidden files and folders," then Pick "OK."
- Step 5. Return back to "My Computer" and Choose the "C:" drive. Right-click and Select "Open." While the new window appears look for "MS32dll.dll.vbs." If you could not find it here open the "Windows" folder and browse for the file. If you still could not find the virus Choose the "F3" button and select "All files and folders," then type "MS32dll.dll.vbs." It searches for the .dll virus. Once it is found you can push the file and click "Delete" to remove it from the computer.
How to Restore Dll Files?
Msvcr71.dll is a dynamic linked library included in every Windows computer, and used by many programs developed with Microsoft Visual C++.
Accidentally, you'll likely receive error messages along the lines of "The program failed to initialize as msvcr71.dll file was not located. Re-install the program to explicit the question," or "Msvcr71.dll Not Found."
Do not worry about it, you could do as following:
- Step 1. Open the Web browser and go to any DLL download site's page for msvcr71.dll. (See Resources for links.) Click on the link labeled "Download msvcr71.dll," or something similar. If you are using, ignore the warning regarding advanced computer skills needed---this is slightly a ploy to get you to purchase their auto-installation package. For that site, click the "Download" button and then the link in the window that pops up, to obtain the file.
- Step 2. Double-click on the downloaded ZIP file to open it. Right-click on the DLL in the file browser that opens and select "Copy."
- Step 3. Browse to your computer's system folder. It is C:\Windows\System32 on most versions, and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 on 64-bit operating systems. Paste the copied DLL into this folder, so that Windows can find it next time it's needed. If the site you use gives you the DLL in uncompressed form, the way does, simply save it here instead.
- Step 4. Reboot the PC.
How to Run SFC?
Go to Start / All Programs / Accessories.
Right click the Command Prompt item and select the 'Run As Administrator' option.Click Continue on the UAC prompt.
In the command prompt window, type the following command.
Press ENTER.
(Make sure the command is entered exactly as shown, including the space)
This will take a few minutes to run, try not to use the computer while it is running.
After this is finished, exit any running programs and reboot the computer.
How to run sfc by administrator on windows xp,windows 7,windows 8:
press Win+R button on your keyboard
type cmd press enter
Press ENTER.
(Make sure the command is entered exactly as shown, including the space)
This will take a few minutes to run; try not to use the computer while it is running.
After this is finished, exit any running programs and reboot the computer.
What People Say?
- Adalia Says:
About a month ago, my computer suddenly stopped working. And pop up the pintlphr.exe is missing. Thence, I search the internet and try to find the correct dll file to repair this kind of issue to keep the good performance of PC. At last, I find the SmartPC Fixer that could not only satisfy my dll requirements, but also improve the speed of my PC. In my opinion it is fine.
- Kate Says:
SmartPC Fixer fixes my black screen error. I usually work at midnight, and someday, I find out that the computer I have used for more than several years suddenly became blue screen. I feel upset and try to find a method to fix it. I search the Google and there are so many these kinds of software. I select SmartPC Fixer because it could scan my PC error and fix them automatically.
- Howard Allen Says:
My computer often freezes when I run a lot of programs. I want to Speed it up. I am going to crazy for its slowest operating speed. This software fixed the problems for cleaning my registry thoroughly. I always want to clean it thoroughly but I do not know how to do it. It helps me a lot. Thanks.
Youe Best Handy-Dll Download.
SmartPC Fixer aims at fixing the PC issues which not all the PC software could do. It is designed to help users repair usual windows errors, clean registry errors and speed up the computer. It has a lot of functions that attract computer users. Now, let me tell you.
1. Scan & Clean2. System Optimize
3. IE Tools
4. System Fix
5. System Tools
6. Backup
And now, take "System Optimize" as example, it includes Menu Optimize, Service Optimize, Startup Optimize, Desktop Optimize.
Menu Optimize: To optimize your menu items, you could choose which item to be shown on your menu at your own will.
Service Optimize: To optimize your service, such as Computer Browser, Remote Registry, Security Center and so on.
Startup Optimize: Express the items which are set to start while you start the computer. You can choose to disable or remove items to increase the startup speed.
Desktop Optimize: Try to optimize your desktop, you could select which item to be displayed on the desktop.
Download Dll Files Step by Step
While you try different kinds of ways to repair dll or exe error but has no good result, such as pintlphr.exe. You can try innovative software-SmartPC Fixer. Here is the concrete process of operating it.- Step 1. Download and install SmartPC Fixer.
- Step 2. Find the "System Fix" and click "Dll Download".
- Step 3. Type the pintlphr.exe into the column and click "search".
- Step 4. Register pintlphr.exe by SmartPC Fixer.
- Step 5. Please remember that restart PC and see if the dll is downloaded.
That is all about how to use SmartPC Fixer. Just do it step by step.
Here are some Tips For You:
Tip 1. When you execute the command into the command prompt, the .dll cannot include any spaces or it will fail to execute.
Tip 2. Know the correct entry point of your .dll file before attempting to run it through Rundll32.Tip 3. Utilize the regsvr32 /u command to unregister the DLLs.
Tip 4. Always create a system restore point before changing or deleting DLL files, as deleting the wrong file can have dire consequences on how your system operates.
Tip 5. You may not know that sometimes these issues are caused by the websites you are visiting and have nothing to do with your registry. Places like Myspace, Facebook and most social networks have these problems now and then.
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