Take MFC71.dll Not Found As an Example:
Firstly, the Mfc71.dll file is a legitimate component of the Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 program. Sometimes an error with this file is showed because a file was accidentally deleted, maybe with a cleaning software or when a program was uninstalled. Next, the page will show you how to fix MFC71.dll not found.
- Step 1. Shut your system down. Turn it off fully and let it sit for a count of 10. Oftentimes, the system would find the missing file just by doing a hard reboot.
- Step 2. Update the Mfc71.dll security patch. Do this only if you're on a Windows 2000 or a Windows XP operating system. Update the file from Microsoft and install it.
- Step 3. Make sure your anti-virus software is up to date. It can usually be done manually after opening the anti-virus software. Since there are many anti-virus programs, each one updates differently. Generally speaking, the icon is on the taskbar in the bottom right-hand side of your computer screen. Right click on the icon. Accidentally an "update" command could be accessed at this point by scrolling to the "update now" or something similar. Betweentimes the anti-virus software has to be opened with a double click to be updated.
- Step 4. Play a complete system scan for viruses. Be sure to scan the "Temp," "System" and "Program Files" as these are the files where the viruses have been known to be found. Depending on the size of your system, this can take up to a few hours. Remove any identified Trojans or viruses found by the anti-virus software.
- Step 5. Download Internet Explorer to the latest version. Download and update the software from the Microsoft website. Install it and then reboot the system. Internet Explorer comes with a Mfc71.dll file and this would likely replace the missing one onthe system.
- Step 6. Uninstall the software that is causing the error. Go to the "Control Panel": "Start">"Control Panel">"Add and Remove Programs." Let the list populate and go down to the program that is causing the error. Click "Remove." When prompted, click "Uninstall." Restart the system before reinstalling the software.
As people all know that Dll, a Dynamic Link Library, is a file which can include code and data used by a lot of different programs at one time, such as Kernel32.dll, etc.
This page will show you how to download and install NclTray_ger.NLR file. Just have a try.
Free Download NclTray_ger.NLR
File Name: NclTray_ger.NLR
Filemd5: 243f3e2c0da6812962d37b6e6a0598e4
LegalCopyright: -
FileDescription: -
ProductVersion: 5, 0, 1, 0
Company: Nokia Mobile Phones
Memos: -
SecurityLevel: High
How to Registry Dll in Windows Vista Manually?
Almost all dll files on your PC are designed to be self-registering. They have information which must be stored on the Windows registry in order for those files to be used.
It is also possible on Windows Vista to register DLL and executable files manually.- Step 1. Know the path and file names of the files you wish to register.
- Step 2. Hit "Run" from the Start menu.
- Step 3. Type the following into the field provided: regsvr32 "[path]\NameOfFile.extension". [path] is the directory where the file is located. For example: C:\ The extension would be .dll
- Step 4. Look for the dialog box that says "DLL Register Server in C:\Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/MSI Tools/mergemod.dll succeeded." Choose "OK." Your file is successfully registered.
- Step 5. Type "[path]\NameOfFile.exe" /REGSERVER" to register an executable file.
- Step 6. Start the program manually if it does not launch automatically, so as to check and see if the registration was successful. Remember that without certain files attached to the registry, the program will not run successfully on Windows Vista.
How to Kill Dll File?
Accidentally, you are able to have the demand that kill the dll files while software conflict or the old dll updated by the new version.
- Step 1. Click the "Start" button in the screen and choose "Search" from the Start Menu.
- Step 2. Hit the "All files and folders" link in the Search window, and type the name of the .dll file you would like to delete into the empty realm. Click the "Search" button to begin the search.
- Step 3. Locate the file in the search results and take note of the file path, which shows where the file is stored. This is very important, since you are going to need to understand the file path for the last steps, so you may want to write it down. Typically, .dll files will be found in "C:\Windows\System32," but this could vary depending on the specific type of .dll file and the version of Windows you're using.
- Step 4. Right-hit on the .dll file in the search results, and select "Delete" from the options that pop up. It will move the file to the Recycle Bin.
- Step 5. Click the "Start" button in Windows, and choose "Run" from the Start Menu. Type "cmd" into the empty field, and hit the "Run" button.
- Step 6. Type "regsvr32 /u C:\filepath\filename.dll" into the command line, substituting the specific file path and name of the file for "filepath" and "filename," Separately. For instance, if you wanted to delete the file "windows.dll" from the file path "C:\Windows\System32," you should type "regsvr32 /u C:\Windows\System32\windows.dll." Press "Enter" after typing this line to unregister the .dll file from your system, completing the handle.
Tips For You:
Tip 1. When you execute the command into the command prompt, the .dll could not contain any spaces or it would fail to execute.
Tip 2. Know the correct entry point of your .dll file before attempting to run it by Rundll32.Tip 3. Take advantage of the regsvr32 /u command to unregister the DLLs.
Tip 4. Always create a system restore point before changing or deleting DLL files, as deleting the wrong file can have dire consequences on how your system runs.
Tip 5. You may not know that sometimes these issues are caused by the websites you are visiting and have nothing to do with your registry. Places like Myspace, Facebook and most social networks have these problems occasionally.
Download Dll Files Step by Step
When you try different kinds of ways to fix dll or exe error but has no good result, such as NclTray_ger.NLR. You could try innovative software-SmartPC Fixer. It is the process of running it.- Step 1. Download and install SmartPC Fixer.
- Step 2. Find the "System Fix" and click "Dll Download".
- Step 3. Type the NclTray_ger.NLR into the column and click "search".
- Step 4. Register NclTray_ger.NLR by SmartPC Fixer.
- Step 5. Please remember that restart PC and see if the dll is downloaded.
That is all about how to use SmartPC Fixer. Just do it step by step.
What People Say?
- Adalia Says:
three days ago, my computer suddenly stopped working. And pop up the NclTray_ger.NLR is missing. Thence, I search the internet and try to find the correct dll file to fix this kind of issue to keep the good performance of PC. Finally, I find the this software that could not only satisfy my dll demands, but also improve the speed of my PC. I think it is fine.
- Kate Says:
SmartPC Fixer fixes the black screen error. I usually work at midnight, and someday, I find out that the PC I have used for more than several years suddenly became blue screen. I feel terrible and try to find a method to repair it. I search the Google and there are so many these kinds of software. I select SmartPC Fixer because it can scan my PC error and fix them automatically.
- Howard Allen Says:
My PC often freezes when I run so many programs. I want to Speed it up. I am going to crazy for its slowest speed. This software repairs the problems for cleaning my registry thoroughly. I always want to clean it thoroughly but I do not know how to do it. It helps me a lot. Thanks.
What Can Cause Dll Not Found?
Sometimes, you might receive an error message stating "Windows could not find the filename.dll" or "A required .DLL was not found" or something similar. This means that your computer is missing a dynamic link library (DLL) file or a required DLL is corrupt.
An error message stating that a particular DLL is "missing" can be caused by several things. A program that was recently uninstalled removed a DLL that was required by another program, a program which was recently installed overwrote a DLL, a bad installation of a program corrupted a DLL, a malicious program such as a PC virus removed a DLL or hardware issues like a bad hard drive is leading to the error messages.How to Restore Dll Files?
Msvcr71.dll is a dynamic linked library included in every Windows computer, and used by many programs developed with Microsoft Visual C++.
Occasionally, you'll likely receive error messages along the lines of "The program failed to initialize as msvcr71.dll file was not located. Re-install the program to accurate the problem," or "Msvcr71.dll Not Found."
Do not worry about it, you can do as follows:
- Step 1. Open your Web browser and go to any DLL download site's page for msvcr71.dll. (See Resources for links.) Click on the link labeled "Download msvcr71.dll," or something similar. If you are using dll-files.com, ignore the warning regarding advanced computer skills needed---it is barely a ploy to get you to purchase their auto-installation package. For that site, click the "Download" button and then the link in the window that pops up, to gain the file.
- Step 2. Double-click on the downloaded ZIP file to open it. Right-click on the DLL in the file browser that opens and choose "Copy."
- Step 3. Browse to your computer's system folder. It is C:\Windows\System32 on most versions, and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 on 64-bit operating systems. Paste the copied DLL into this folder, so that Windows can find it next time it's needed. If the site you use gives you the DLL in uncompressed form, the way dlldump.com does, just save it here instead.
- Step 4. Restart the computer.
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